
Veterinary Assisting Diploma Courses

Program Details
Award Diploma
Credits 41
Program Start Fall, Spring

2024–2025 Suggested Sequence of Study

The following suggested sequence of study is for new full-time students starting the program Fall 2024 or Spring 2025.

When registering for classes refer to Self-Service > Student Planning to view your specific program requirements, your progress, and ensure proper registration. See Registering for Credit Classes for registration information and instructions.

Courses and costs are subject to change. See what's included in the cost calculation.

Course Descriptions: Show All | Hide All

Term 1
AGS-211 Issues Facing Animal Science 2 credits $450.00
AGS-218 Domestic Animal Physiology 4 credits $970.00
AGS-319 Animal Nutrition 3 credits $675.00
AGV-154 Veterinary Reception and Administration Skills 4 credits $900.00
Agriculture Elective 3 credits
Total Credits: 16
Total Tuition + Course Fees: $3,670.00

Term 2
AGV-121 Veterinary Medical Terminology 8WK1 2 credits $450.00
AGV-123 Companion Animal 8WK2 3 credits $675.00 or
AGS-216 Equine Science 8WK2 3 credits $675.00 or
AGS-225 Swine Science 8WK1 3 credits $675.00 or
AGS-226 Beef Cattle Science 8WK1 3 credits $675.00
AGV-140 Veterinary Pharmacology 3 credits $675.00
ENG-105 Composition I 3 credits $675.00 or
COM-781 Written Communication in the Workplace 3 credits $675.00
MAT-772 Applied Math 3 credits $675.00 or
Math Elective 3 credits
PSY-111 Introduction to Psychology 3 credits $675.00 or
PSY-102 Human and Work Relations 3 credits $675.00 or
SOC-110 Introduction to Sociology 3 credits $675.00
Total Credits: 17
Total Tuition + Course Fees: $3,825.00

Term 3 — Summer
AGT-805 Employment Experience 5 credits $1125.00
AGV-101 Veterinary Assisting
Required summer course.
3 credits $725.00
Total Credits: 8
Total Tuition + Course Fees: $1,850.00

Agriculture Electives
AGA-214 Cash Grains 3 credits $711.00
AGA-376 Integrated Pest Management 8WK2 3 credits $715.00
AGB-101 Agricultural Economics 3 credits $675.00
AGB-235 Introduction to Agriculture Markets 3 credits $675.00
AGB-303 Agriculture Leadership 3 credits $675.00
AGB-330 Farm Business Management 8WK1 3 credits $675.00
AGB-331 Entrepreneurship in Agriculture 3 credits $675.00
AGB-336 Agricultural Selling 8WK1 3 credits $675.00
AGP-333 Precision Farming Systems 3 credits $680.00
AGP-450 Fundamentals of GIS 3 credits $680.00
AGS-113 Survey of the Animal Industry 3 credits $675.00
AGS-216 Equine Science 8WK2 3 credits $675.00
AGS-225 Swine Science 8WK1 3 credits $675.00
AGS-226 Beef Cattle Science 8WK1 3 credits $675.00
AGS-272 Foods of Animal Origin 8WK1 5 credits $1175.00
AGS-275 Food Safety and Analysis 3 credits $675.00
AGS-305 Livestock Evaluation 3 credits $690.00

Math Electives
MAT-110 Math for Liberal Arts 3 credits $675.00
MAT-121 College Algebra 4 credits $900.00
MAT-128 Precalculus 4 credits $900.00
MAT-134 Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry 3 credits $675.00
MAT-156 Statistics 3 credits $675.00
MAT-210 Calculus I 4 credits $900.00
MAT-216 Calculus II 4 credits $900.00
MAT-219 Calculus III 4 credits $900.00

Cost Calculations

Calculations are based on 2024–2025 resident tuition and fees and course fees.

Cost calculations are provided for informational purposes only and are not a guarantee of charges.

Course Cost Calculation

Resident tuition and fees per credit hour × course credits + course fee (if applicable).

Total Tuition + Course Fees Calculation

Sum of tuition and course fees for all courses for the term.

If more than one course can be taken to fulfill the requirement, the first course listed is used in the total tuition and fees calculation.

Additional costs not included in the cost calculations:

Contact Information

Academic/College Success Advisor

Last Names A–L

Kaitlyn Harris
Bremer Hall 136A
319-296-4014 ext.1066
Email Kaitlyn Harris

Last Names M–Z

John Peterson
Bremer Hall 136A
319-296-4014 ext.1448
Email John Peterson

Faculty Advisors

Last Names A – M

Ole Cleveland
Bremer Hall 111C
319-296-2329 ext.1414
Email Ole Cleveland

Last Names N – Z

Dresden Wulf
Bremer Hall 111D
319-296-2329 ext.1084
Email Dresden Wulf

Administrative Assistant

Jennie Bowser
Buchanan Hall 131
Email Jennie Bowser


Applied Technologies

Dave Grunklee
Butler Hall 131A
Email Dave Grunklee

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